Archive for the ‘counter-strike’ Tag

Left 4 Dead Moments

Let me get to the point with this blog, buy Left 4 Dead right now.  This game is one of the most enjoyable games I have played in a long time.  No other game is so much fun, even when you realize there is no hope of beating a level.  I have experienced so many moments of madness while playing this game in the two days since I bought it.  Here are some of the most memorable:

  • Playing the ‘No Mercy’ scenario and turning around to see a tank charging at me. Then throwing me out of a window and into the street.  Then after some how surviving a hunter pounces on me and my team has no way of getting to me.
  • On ‘Blood Harvest’ the rescue vehicle arrives just as my friend goes to grab some spare ammo.  Zombies swarm on him and starts screaming as we get away safely
  • Having a tank chase after two of my friends into a safe house.  One of them shuts the door but locks the tank in the room with them.  They then run out of the room screaming and we some how manage to survive.
  • Playing as the tank in versus and killing all of the survivors as they try to camp in a small room
  • Playing as a boom and smoker and snagging stray survivors as they try to catch up to the group
  • My friend making it to the safe house with 1 health remaining

There are just so many fun moments to be had when playing Left 4 Dead.  Definitly worth playing with some friends who happen to scream a lot.  Expect a review sometime this week.

-Frank Munro